One girl and a sociopath (who really needs a constructive hobby). Challenging each other every 13 days.

First film and music selection for Alfredo


The last days have been very hard for me so I choose for this "selection post" a song and a movie (in fact 3 movies) that helped me through these difficult days, or should I say, dark days.

The music is from a very interesting and peculiar band from New Zealand and is called "Fat Freddy's Drop". They are awesome and the album "Based On A True Story" is also very good. The name of the song is "Dark Days" it's very calm and groovy perfect for those stressful days.

For the movie. You know those movies that, despite not being extraordinary, are good, funny and gave us cool moments of laugh.
I present to you three good examples of that. Rush Hour 1, 2 and 3.

They're IMDb Ratings and mine are:
Rush Hour (1998): 6.8 >> 7
Rush Hour II (2001): 6.4 >> 6
Rush Hour III (2007): 6.0 >> 7

I know what you thinking right now - "What should I eat at breakfast tomorrow?" and "This guy is definitely nuts!!!" but I promise to do better next time for the movie



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A tua velha ficava mas bonita se tivesse rodas!!!.
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