One girl and a sociopath (who really needs a constructive hobby). Challenging each other every 13 days.

The Last Post?

Time to reveal, why I named a girl Alfredo.



Time for some rest

Greetings Followers

The last 5 months here at Alfredo's Project were amazing! But unfortunately, me and Agent Hara have some other business stealing our time, like trying to pass philosophy...... wait.... that is Agent Hara, I'm just delayed in my funky porn....

And because of that, there will be a break for indefinitely time here at ANTGLP. (It's only until we kill a certain philosophy teacher and clean all evidences). We will start with Hara's Answer Post and continue normally after that.

Until then you could send us some ideas (by blogger, twitter, facebook, whatever) for new challenges, music, films....... 

We leave you with a music wish is bumping in our music players. Felling Good from Nina Simone.

So until next time eat well, eat vegetables, read the comments before you watch a random porn movie and please do not see Kick-ass!!! It sucks.


Selection Post: Cleaning my blood from groovy substances

Greetings Agent Hara

Despite your spectacular challenge, I hope you read this post sober (hhihihihihi). The current challenge killed our images of geek and straight guys. So, to correct that, my movie for this selection post is about drugs (30 seconds to reread the last paragraph). XP

The movie is Leaves of Grass from Tim Blake Nelson with Edward Norton in the two main characters. The history is about two twin brothers, one was so stupid that become a famous philosophy teacher (remind you someone?) and the other is a genius who become a not much successful drug dealer, despite his amazing weed plantation!!!

I don't speak more about the movie, except, YOU MUST SEE IT!!!!!! Really awesome.

For the music I noticed two things for this time. First I never present Portuguese music and second (and most important) you said to me that you don't (fucking) know Ornatos Violeta! Because of that, my music selection is Quim Barreiros!....................... just kidding................ ORNATOS VIOLETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ornatos was an historical band from Porto who played together between 1991-2002, the leader Manel Cruz is (in my opinion) one of the best Portuguese song writer and after that also have 2 projects "Pluto" and "Supernada" and actually also have a solo project "Foge Foge Bandido", totally crazy! The band have 3 albums "Cão!", "O Monstro Precisa de Amigos" and "Monte Elvis".

To end this post I'm going to present two amazing songs from them "Ouvi dizer" and "Capitão Romance", the second is a duet with Gordon Gano, vocalist from the Violent Femmes!!!!!!!!!! (true story sis)

As always I hope you have liked it and be strong! It's only a few time missing until philosophy disappear from your life.  


P.S.: Hope you don't notice the release date from the movie (July 2010 kkkkkkk)

Answer Post: Chuck Norris does it Better

Greetings Agent Hara

I've loved your Fisheye photos, the only thing I didn't understand was "Why so confused?" (hihihihi).About this round, I'm truly happy for having this opportunity to make a  tribute to our beloved Chuck Norris

So without further ado, I gave you the official ANTGLP's Chuck Norris Facts List:

1-Chuck Norris is so awesome that he will never read this shit
2-Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer (including blog cancer), shame he never cries.
3-If some of ANTGLP's Agent were replaced by Chuck Norris, the only thing he would needed to respond to a challenge would be a picture of himself and it always would be epic.
4-When Chuck Norris makes publicity for a certain company, the success is so big that, they don't offer him a salary... they offer the entire company.
5- One day Alfredo challenged Chuck Norris.......... and he (Alfredo) didn't get laid again....
6-Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
7-One day Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burguer King and was attended.
8-Ghosts are a result of Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.
9-When Chuck Norris does push ups, he doesn't push himself up... he pushes the earth down.
10-Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you
11- Chuck Norris doesn't have nightmares, nightmares have Chuck Norris.
12- Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father did.
13-If Alfredo's wing man were Chuck Norris  this blog would never have existed....

I've loved the time I spent doing this list, hope you like it too. XP

And your new challenge is.....

It's QUEIMA time!!!!! Time to say goodbye to the older students, music, party and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of........ wait for it..... ALCOHOL!
And that reminds me of something I've been noticed in our nights out. I always miss when I have to buy you a drink! For that reason your challenge is tell me your 13 favorite drinks and (at least) 1 recipe!!!! The presentation mode is (as always) optional.
Have fun and please.... do not ask Alfredo's help for this challenge!!! Is for your own good.


Answer post: Fisheye makes my head dizzy

Greetings Agent B.,

Your answer to the Easter challenge was delightful, especially your reference to Chuck and our beloved Aquilae disco. And if jay leno took charge of ANTGLP, i would kick him in his Easter Eggs.
Operation "Say Cheese!" went wonderful, although I had to call for backup on the meanings of B N L, and I certainly don't know how to work with Mix yet. And after I have taken every photograph, I always ended up looking to the camera and thinking "okay, lets see how it looks like". I guess i'm not used to analog.

So, without further long, I give you my 13 best attempts of fisheye photographs:

This was probably one of the firsts. Since this type of angle is used on cheasy rap videoclips, here's some gangster faces (The milk carton is to show that gangsters prefer some chocolat milk in the morning instead of drugs or alcohol):

Since the camera has an option for long exposition (which should be the L one, but it's B), I decided to try to shoot some lights and here's the result (not that much of a thing):

The next stop is flowers. I broke into someone's garden to shoot them, and ened up making the mistake of not grabing the lent protector. Begginers mistake I guess:

The rest of it does not really have a story, except for my master piece (the bathhouse) in which involved me semi-naked taking photos of semi-naked girls. Too bad the light was not good enough.
And of course we have a picture of sweet Alfredo during her process of ingestion:

Hope you like it, 'cause I sure enjoyed looking like crazy with a weird camera at school. oh the youth. (no sarcasm intended)
As for the second part of the challenge, I'll definitly post some of them on YELLOW ROLL, with the caption you asked for.

So I've been low on ideas, and for your challenge I bring you a list. Again. But since you're a college guy with lots of serious stuff to do (roll on mud, lend pairs of pants, do gymnastics, watch Chuck and so on) I figured it should be something that would not take much of your time. So I bring you the "chuck norris list".Your challenge is to make a list based on your opinion of the 13 best chuck norris facts, 7 of them related to ANTGLP. I know. Not much of a challenge...but that's all we've got for this week. Your challenge ends 1/05 at 13PM

Good luck.

Be safe, be well, eat fruit and remember: Eating chips and milk for breakfast is not a good mixture.


Selection Post: The revenge from the Page

Greetings Agent Hara

I understood your friendly obsession by Ellen Page, in fact, I admire it but this selection post will teach you how to honor someone here at Alfredo's Project.

So in this post we will honor my music God Mr. Jack White.

During is career he played in several bands but I'm only going to speak about the three most important The White Stripes, The Raconteurs and more recently The Dead Weather.

The Raconteurs have 2 albums: Broken Boy Soldiers and Consoler Of The Lonely. And theirs most successful single is Steady as she Goes:

The White Stripes have 10 years of history 6 album, lots of singles and 2 movies. They are probably the most unusual duo in music history and....... wait for it.... they are not brothers! In fact they are ex husband and wife since 2000. The movie under great white northern lights is really amazing and Icky Thump is one of my favorite songs.

His last project is The Dead Weather and they have tons of power (and alcohol). They have started in 2009 and already have one studio plus one live album, and plans for the second studio album (very very fast). And surprise surprise! Jack is on the drums! THESE GUYS ARE CRAZY! AWESOME!!!!!

Jack also entered a movie called It Might Get Loud! No words about it... just guitars. Three amazing guitarists Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), The Edge (U2) and the great Jack White (of course). Incredible......

Hope you have enjoyed the lesson


P.S.: I forgot to mention that Jack is the number 17 in the list of the best guitarists made by RollingStone

New Challenge: Fuck digital! Let's do it old school!!!

Greetings Agent Hara

It’s now time for your fourth challenge, code name – “Say cheese!!!”

I’ve notice your other blog has been practically stopped since you became an ANTGLP’s agent. I don’t wanna be a reason for your lack of time so your next mission it’s going to be so awesome that you will need to post something about it at the YELLOW ROLL

Before the mission even started I’ve sent to you a “Fisheye” cam and also gave you some vital instructions to use it. Your mission is capture many photos you want and present your 13 favorites, as always you’re free to choose the way you want to present them.

And don’t forget your other blog! Do like you use to, first a picture then write something nice, use your imagination. By the way, if you mention my name you must say how ugly, smelly and sexually available I am (apparently women like it) and that is not optional!!!

About the Fisheye, there are three reasons for choosing that camera:
  1. This is a Lomography cam, and Lomography is an artistic movement of photography which I truly admire.
  2. It has a lens capable of capture almost 180 degrees around it (don’t be surprised if your feet accidentally appear in the picture hahaha).
  3. And it’s really awesome.

You probably need to go here to learn the 10 golden rules on Lomography and your deadline  is 13 PM 18/04/2010

Have fun and remember cups of beer left near urinals, they usually aren’t full of beer.


P.S.: A few weeks ago Marta requested that hers artwork for Alfredo’s birthday present was exposed here at ANTGLP’s Blog.
P.P.S.: I’m offering to do it under the condition she needs to actualize her blog too. (I don't care if it has cancer)
P.P.P.S.: I hope not. But if she mention my name, she also needs to follow that non optional rule.
Copyright 2010 Alfredo Needs to Get Laid. All rights reserved. If you are reading this you need to get a life
A tua velha ficava mas bonita se tivesse rodas!!!.
Bloggerized by Sun Glasses Mafia