One girl and a sociopath (who really needs a constructive hobby). Challenging each other every 13 days.

Answer Post: Chuck Norris does it Better

Greetings Agent Hara

I've loved your Fisheye photos, the only thing I didn't understand was "Why so confused?" (hihihihi).About this round, I'm truly happy for having this opportunity to make a  tribute to our beloved Chuck Norris

So without further ado, I gave you the official ANTGLP's Chuck Norris Facts List:

1-Chuck Norris is so awesome that he will never read this shit
2-Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer (including blog cancer), shame he never cries.
3-If some of ANTGLP's Agent were replaced by Chuck Norris, the only thing he would needed to respond to a challenge would be a picture of himself and it always would be epic.
4-When Chuck Norris makes publicity for a certain company, the success is so big that, they don't offer him a salary... they offer the entire company.
5- One day Alfredo challenged Chuck Norris.......... and he (Alfredo) didn't get laid again....
6-Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.
7-One day Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burguer King and was attended.
8-Ghosts are a result of Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.
9-When Chuck Norris does push ups, he doesn't push himself up... he pushes the earth down.
10-Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you
11- Chuck Norris doesn't have nightmares, nightmares have Chuck Norris.
12- Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father did.
13-If Alfredo's wing man were Chuck Norris  this blog would never have existed....

I've loved the time I spent doing this list, hope you like it too. XP

And your new challenge is.....

It's QUEIMA time!!!!! Time to say goodbye to the older students, music, party and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of........ wait for it..... ALCOHOL!
And that reminds me of something I've been noticed in our nights out. I always miss when I have to buy you a drink! For that reason your challenge is tell me your 13 favorite drinks and (at least) 1 recipe!!!! The presentation mode is (as always) optional.
Have fun and please.... do not ask Alfredo's help for this challenge!!! Is for your own good.



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A tua velha ficava mas bonita se tivesse rodas!!!.
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